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"Chow time" at Parrot Jungle "Chow time" at Parrot Jungle
Five o'clock at Miami's famous PARROT JUNGLE means only one thing to the birds - supper. They enjoy an assortment of seeds and nuts, and a fruit salad consisting of bananas, apples, and grapes. The PARROT JUNGLE is one of Florida's outstanding sightseeing attractions.
Message: We got some pictures of these birds. Hope they turn out Kent(?) has got some real good fishingh. Looking forward to snow. Love, the 'Kids'
Postmarked: Bradenton, Florida; January 1963


Burns Monument Burns Monument
Burns Monument; Alloway, Ay, United Kingdom
Dated: August 1924


Leningrad. St. Isaac's Cathedral, a view from the Red Fleet Embankment Leningrad. St. Isaac's Cathedral, a view from the Red Fleet Embankment
Leningrad. St. Isaac's Cathedral, a view from the Red Fleet Embankment
Message: Greetings from U.S.S.R. This trip is revealing. Best wishes for your trip.
Dated: September 1969


Closing the cottage Closing the cottage
Message: We'eve been closing the cottage this past weekend - the crisp air and autumn colors make us hate to leave. Wrecked my shoulder wrestling shutters, but ZACTIRINⓇ has taken care of the pain. Regards.
Postmarked: Hawley, Pennsylvania; October 1958


"The Action Center" "The Action Center"
"The Action Center"

Flowers and Palms along the shores of Lake Eola showing Park Plaza Hotel and Centenniel Fountain in the background.
Message: Hi. This city is beautiful as pictured. Weather is grand and am having a real good visit. Esther.
Postmarked: March 15, 1972


with Best Wishes with Best Wishes
September 1912
Given to me by my mother on my 26th birthday. Ida.