
China China

1923 4 cent Junk Ship, 2nd Peking Print



1971 5 riyal Eiffel Tower and Goonhilly Station


Hong Kong Hong Kong

1962 50 cent Queen Elizabeth II


India India

1960 15 naye paisa Thiruvalluvar Commemoration
1976 5 paisa "Family planning"
1974 25 paisa Capital of Asoka Pillar
1957 15 naye paisa Capital of Asoka Pillar
1982 10 paisa Irrigation Canal
1957 5 naye paisa Map of India

Iraq Iraq

1969 10 fils Horse's Head (Equus ferus caballus)

Israel Israel

1987 60 new agora Model of Israelite Temple, Florence


Japan Japan

1951 5¥ Long-tailed cock (Gallus gallus domesticus)
1952 30¥ Douglas DC-4 over the Horyu-ji Pagoda, Nara 30 yen
1952 35¥ Goldfish (Carassius auratus)
1952 1¥ Baron Maejima Hisoka, founder of the Japanese postal system
1952 8¥ Japanese Serow (Capricornis crispus)
1952 & 1967 50¥ Buddhisattva "Miroku Bosatsu" - Chu̅gu̅-ji Temple, Nara
1955 5¥ Mandarin Ducks (Aix galericulata)
1961 10¥ Cherry blossoms
1962 40¥ Yomei-mon in Nikko
1963 100¥ Red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis)
1963 4¥ Emperor's Slit Shell (Pleurotomaria hirasei)
1966 25¥ Hydrangea (Hydrangea sp.)
1966 35¥ Sparkling Enope Squid (Watasenia scintillans)
1966 15¥ Ox-eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare
1967 65¥ Haniwa (Ancient Clay) Horse - Orange
1968 15¥ Postal Code Type II
1968 7¥ Postal Code (Inscription 11mm)
1969 15¥ Mailbox, postal code symbol
1969 15¥ Traffic Safety
1976 50¥ Tokyo Bitterling (Tanakia tanago)
1978 50¥ Opening of Narita Airport
2001 80¥ Kamakura igloo
2015 10¥ Japanese Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon)
2x 2015 10¥Japanese Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon)

2021 84¥ Very Hungry Pokémon
2021 84¥ Pokémon Yoidon!


Laos Laos

1959 12.50 kip Phou Siu temple


Malaysia Malaysia

2010 2 ringgit Garden Flowers - Allamanda cathartica
2017 Vanda (Vanda helvola)

Federal Territories of Malaysia

1979 15 sen Flowers - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis


1979 15 sen Hibiscus rosa sinensis
1979 10 sen Flowers - Durio zibenthinus


Maldives Maldives

1980 3 laari Alice is too big to go through the door


Netherlands East Indies

1934 2 cent Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), rice field
1934 5 cent Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), rice field


Singapore Singapore

2009 50 cent Sculptures: Han Sai Por
2016 Deepavali


Soviet Union (USSR)

1959 50 kopek Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)


Thailand Thailand

1963 50 satang First Anniversary of the Asian-Oceanic Post (AOPU)