USA - 1930s

1930 1½¢ Warren G. Harding (1865 - 1923), 29th president of the USA

1934 2¢ Grand Canyon National Park (1919), Arizona

1936 3¢ Centenary of Oregon

1936 3¢ Great Seal of the State of Michigan (1935)

1937 3¢ Puerto Rico - La Fortaleza, San Juan

1937 5¢ US Military Academy, West Point

1937 5¢ 350th birth anniversary of Virginia Dare

1937 3¢ Constitution Sesquicentennial (150th Anniversary of US Constitution)

1938 1¢ George Washington (1732 - 1799), first President of the USA
1938 6¢ John Quincy Adams (1767 - 1848), sixth President of the USA

1938 10¢ John Tyler (1790 - 1862), tenth President of the USA
1939 3¢ New York World's Fair