USA - 1980s

1980 15¢ Benjamin Banneker
1980 15¢ Letters Preserve Memories

1980 15¢ Birth Centenary of Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)

1981 20¢ James Hoban (1755 - 1831) and White House

1981 18¢ Space Shuttle Columbia Losing Boosters
1981 18¢ Space Shuttle Columbia Performing Experiment
1981 18¢ Space Shuttle Columbia Launch
1981 18¢ Space Shuttle Columbia Landing

1981 18¢ Coming Through the Rye, Frederic Remington

1981 18¢ Disabled doesn't mean Unable - Man Using Microscope

1981 Eagle
1981 20¢ Flag Over Supreme Court, by Dean Ellis

1982 20¢ Frontispiece from Ragged Dick
1982 20¢ "Wise shoppers stretch dollars"

1982 20¢ Utah: California Gull (Larus californicus); Sego Lily (Calochortus nuttallii)
1982 20¢ Florida: Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos; Orange blossom (Citrus sinensis)

1982 20¢ Wolf Trap Farm Park

1983 20¢ Physical Fitness

1983 20¢ Civilian Conservation Corps Making a Road

1984 20¢ Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Cocker Spaniel

1984 20¢ Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington D.C.

1984 20¢ Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) and Pipeline - Alaska Statehood
1985 22¢ 1c. Franklin Stamp, 1870
International Stamp Exhibition AMERIPEX '86, Chicago

1986 22¢ Adolphus W. Greely

1987 22¢ Pennsylvania Ratification Date - December 12, 1787
1987 22¢ Flag and Fireworks

2x 1987 22¢ 150th Anniversary of Michigan Statehood

2x 1987 22¢ New Jersey Ratification Date - December 18, 1787

1987 22¢ John Bull (1831)

1987 22¢ Enrico Caruso (1873 - 1821), Italian opera tenor

1987 22¢ Love You, Dad!

1988 22¢ American Shorthair and Persian Cats

1988 22¢ Bicentenary of Australian Settlement

1988 25¢ South Carolina Ratification Date - May 23, 1788
1988 25¢ Maryland Ratification Date - April 28, 1788

1988 25¢ Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus)
1988 25¢ Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)

1989 25¢ Henry "Lou" Gehrig (1903 - 1941)
1989 25¢ Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961), 1954 Nobel Prize Winner

1989 25¢ Executive Branch
1989 25¢ Tyrannosaurus Rex

1989 25¢ Centenary of Montana Statehood