Michigan - the Great Lake State; the Wolverine State; Water (Winter) Wonderland

Inviting lakes, friendly people, ample accomodations and recreation make Michigan a favorite state for anyone who enjoys a good vacation.
Postmarked:Romeo, Michigan; February 2025

Swap-Bot: Scattergories 'G' Round 15
Postmarked: Kansas City, Kansas; December 2024

View of the lighthouse and piers of the harbor entrance of this popular resort city of Southwest Michigan.
Postmarked: Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 2024

The Tahquamenon River winds its way for miles through broad swamps, thickly forested ridges and between stone cliffs over 100 feet high, until at this point, it pounds its turbulent waters over a 48 sandstone cliff.

Rainbow Cave, Munising, Michigan is in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Glaciers that covered this area during the ice age formed these beautifully colored rock formations.
Postmarked: Michigan

Detroit, Michigan / Windsor, Ontario
This colorful view of the Ambassador Bridge, the "high road" to Windsor, Ontario, Canada. It is only a five-minute trip across the bridge to the delightful city.
From my dad: January 2001